MAXimum Research,

Robert A. Malmud
Robert A. Malmud, President of MAXimum Research, Inc., has been in the telephone interviewing industry since 1985, supervising and managing telephone and field data collection projects for both profit and non-profit companies from the pharmaceutical, health care, financial, advertising, manufacturing, industry associations, political campaigns, and communications industries.
Mr. Malmud started as an interviewer while still in high school. His enthusiasm, common sense, and hard work moved him up to sample coordinator, supervisor, and coordinating supervisor before he even graduated from Northeast High School. While working toward his college degree, he continued to work full-time in the data collection industry.
After receiving his degree from Temple University, he began to plan his own data collection service day and night. He found two partners from the telemarketing for non-profits and charities sector of the business and opened his first call center in 1992, called Tele-Research Center, Inc. Mr. Malmud was the managing partner of TRC until 1997.
On January 30, 1997, the partners of TRC sold the company to NCO Group, a publicly owned corporation. From then until January of 2000, Mr. Malmud was the divisional President of NCO TeleResearch, the market research arm of the company.
Mr. Malmud started MAXimum Research in February 2000 as the President, and sole owner of the corporation. The new offices were opened on August 15, 2000 at 1860 Greentree Road, in Cherry Hill, NJ.
Mr. Malmud is a graduate of Temple University. He is an active member of the Insights Association and the American Marketing Association.