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MAXimum Research's TCPA Compliance Information


In light of recent FCC Declaratory Rulings and Orders on the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), released on July 10, 2015, MAXimum Research, Inc. has invested heavily these past few years to ensure TCPA compliance within the call center. In short, this is accomplished as follows:

  • MAXimum Research will run all sample received through 3rd-party verification systems, and flag each number as being either a LANDLINE or CELLPHONE. This is accomplished by checking each number against the known cell phone block identifier list as well as ported number lists using IMS subscription services. Block list(s) are updated daily and the ported list is updated weekly.

  • Once each number has been identified as being either a landline or cellphone, the interviewing software is configured in such a way to completely PREVENT any cellphone flagged records from even accessing our predictive dialer. Instead, the interviewers will be prompted to manually enter the phone number into their phone control panel to dial it manually.

  • While we maintain every possible system to ensure we are flagging numbers properly, there is the off chance someone is on vacation and had their landline forward to their cell phone. Our interviewers are trained to handle these respondents with care and apologize for the inconvenience.

  • It is also worth noting that the TCPA laws only protect consumers. If a B2B project has us calling business numbers, and the call goes to the respondent's cellphone, we are not required to manually dial those numbers.

For a more detailed description of our TCPA compliance steps, please download the following white paper: TCPA.PDF

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